AMEGINO has a wide production capacity, which provides the ability to manufacture high-quality equipment for the transportation, processing and storage of natural gas.

Automated gas distribution stations
Designed to reduce the high pressure of natural, associated petroleum gases to a predetermined low pressure and maintain it with the required accuracy, as well as for cleaning, heating, measuring gas flow and odorizing it before supplying to settlements, industrial enterprises and other consumers.

System for measuring the quantity and parameters of gas
Designed to measure the volume of free petroleum gas, measure the technological and qualitative parameters of free petroleum gas (density, viscosity, moisture content, pressure, temperature), calculate the volume of free petroleum gas reduced to standard conditions, display, process and record measurement results.

Fuel, starting and impulse gas preparation plants
Designed to supply fuel, start-up and impulse gas to compressor shops with gas turbine, gas compressor units and auxiliary power plants with a gas turbine drive.

Gas measuring stations
Designed for continuous automatic measurement of the flow rate of gas passing through the measuring pipelines, with the determination of its component composition and calorific value.

Gas treatment points
Designed for purification, measurement and uninterrupted supply of purified natural gas to booster compressor units, gas purification for gas turbine plants, during the construction of combined cycle gas plants, as well as at compressor stations to provide compressor shops with gas turbine gas compressor units and power plants for their own needs with fuel, start-up and impulse gas with gas turbine drive.

Gas control points
Designed to reduce the pressure of natural gas from high and medium pressure to the required and automatically maintain it within the specified limits, gas purification from mechanical impurities; commercial or technological metering of gas consumption, automatic shutdown of gas supply in case of emergency increase or decrease in outlet pressure.

Reducing points
Designed to clean natural and associated petroleum gas from mechanical impurities and condensed moisture, heat the gas and maintain its outlet temperature not lower than the minimum allowable, reduce gas (reduce the inlet gas pressure and automatically maintain the set pressure supplied to the consumer), measure gas flow.

Booster compressor stations
Designed for compressing (preparing and compressing) air, natural gas, associated petroleum gas, obtaining an explosive gas mixture (compressed and dried air) from atmospheric air at the place of operation for the purpose of its further processing, transportation or use.

Gas purification units
Designed for gas purification from mechanical impurities, drip moisture and condensate separation with its further removal to the condensate collection tank.

Gas control plants
Designed to reduce gas from high or medium pressure to the required level and maintain it at specified levels in gas supply systems (residential, utility buildings, industrial and agricultural facilities), which is a necessary condition for safe and economical combustion of gas fuel.

Chambers for launching and receiving means for cleaning and diagnostics of the linear part of main oil pipelines, designed for installation at stationary launch and receiving units and serving for launching and receiving in-line cleaning, diagnostics, sealing and separating devices in the flow of the pumped product. Dosing injection pump for chemicals and aggressive liquids. Safety valves prevent natural gas from entering the heat carrier circuit.
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